
You can use gmail's SMTP server to send out emails from CPPM. Today, we will see how to use gmail SMTP server to send out emails for you. Create a gmail account. go to below URL              Allow less secure apps i.e. Allow less secure apps: ON. Navigate to Password & sign-in method in the same page.            set the two step verification to off. (That is the default.) Add the intermediate CA and Root CA to the trust list of CPPM. Download them by following the links. Intermediate CA RootCA SMTP Certificate Configure the Messaging Setup as below:           Connection Security must be set to 'StartTLS' and port to 587.  Try sending a test email Email is successfully sent...

Export all attributes of an authentication request from access tracker to a syslog server.

Requirement :  We want to export authentication details along with Radius:IETF, Computed and Authorization attributes to the external Syslog server. The default Filter and columns will not allow us to export authentication records with attributes. Solution :  We have to construct our custom SQL query to include the fields we need and the attributes that we want to export to external Syslog server. Problem: The attributes are stored in multiple rows for each session id (i.e. for each authentication). To achieve the requirement, we are making use of PostgreSQL array aggregate function i.e. array_agg(). Paste the following SQL query under Custom SQL field.  select,a.user_name, a.service_name, a.host_mac, a.timestamp, array_agg(b.attr_name) as attributes, array_agg(b.attr_value) as values from tips_dashboard_summary a inner join tips_session_log_details b on = b.session_id where b.attr_name in ('Radius:Aruba:Aruba-...